While Boston is a hot-bed for innovation in the technology arena, it takes second place to the Bay Area of California. I recently had a chance to see symbolic demonstrations of this while riding the BART. Whether a public service announcement or a sales pitch from a store, many of the subway ads had QR codes that allow someone with a smart phone to view more detailed information about the services or products being offered. Even billboard ads that you view from the platform across the train track have the codes. (I hadn't realized that you could extract the data message from that far away.) My unofficial survey indicates that this level of penetration has not yet reached Boston.
But, the evidence goes beyond that. At the recent Health Foo conference of health care "techie" types, a preponderance of participants were from the West Coast. Strikingly, many of them had started out at MIT or other Boston universities but had chosen to move west as their careers developed. A story by Katie Johnson in today's Boston Globe documents this:
“The reality is that somebody graduating school in Massachusetts can basically double their salary by getting on a plane and going to San Francisco,’’ said Jones, chief executive of the Boston social media analytics firm Buzzient.
Maybe it is the weather, and maybe it is the salaries, but I think it is something else. I was recently talking to an angel investor/venture capitalist and he said that when a business concept is brought to his peers in Boston, the focus is on what could go wrong if one part of the business plan fails to come through. In Silicon Valley, potential investors focus on what could go right if all the stars align. It is basically the difference between prudence and risk-taking, between pessimism and optimism.
Now, this can raise unreasonable expectations for twenty-something year olds in California who are convinced that their idea is the next Google and spin away hours of time in that pursuit. But Thomas Edison did the same thing a few years ago. It is that indomitable spirit of innovation, of trials and errors and repeated failures, that eventually leads to approaches that change the world. While he did not mean it in this context, Victo Hugo was correct when he said, "There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come." Who can blame a young person for thinking that s/he has that idea?
In the overall picture, there is probably a place for both approaches, but I just have a feeling that the Bostonians are missing the boat here.
“The reality is that somebody graduating school in Massachusetts can basically double their salary by getting on a plane and going to San Francisco,’’ said Jones, chief executive of the Boston social media analytics firm Buzzient.
Maybe it is the weather, and maybe it is the salaries, but I think it is something else. I was recently talking to an angel investor/venture capitalist and he said that when a business concept is brought to his peers in Boston, the focus is on what could go wrong if one part of the business plan fails to come through. In Silicon Valley, potential investors focus on what could go right if all the stars align. It is basically the difference between prudence and risk-taking, between pessimism and optimism.
Now, this can raise unreasonable expectations for twenty-something year olds in California who are convinced that their idea is the next Google and spin away hours of time in that pursuit. But Thomas Edison did the same thing a few years ago. It is that indomitable spirit of innovation, of trials and errors and repeated failures, that eventually leads to approaches that change the world. While he did not mean it in this context, Victo Hugo was correct when he said, "There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come." Who can blame a young person for thinking that s/he has that idea?
In the overall picture, there is probably a place for both approaches, but I just have a feeling that the Bostonians are missing the boat here.
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